Press tee

CODE: X131

Pressed fitting for multilayer pipes used to make non-detachable connections in water, heating and other installations in which a non-aggressive working medium flows. Body: brass; sleeve: stainless steel; o-ring: EPDM.

DN Netto price (EUR): Availability
16x16x16  2,53 standard
20x20x20  3,56 standard
25x25x25  6,84 standard
32x32x32 11,63 standard
16x20x16  3,26 standard
20x16x16  3,26 standard
20x20x16  3,37 standard
20x16x20  3,37 standard
25x16x25  6,63 standard
25x20x25  6,93 standard
32x16x32 10,19 standard
32x20x32 10,37 standard
32x25x32 10,74 standard
32x25x25 10,47 standard


Nominal pressure= 1.0 MPa

Maximum temperature= +95°C

Applicable pressing jaw type: „”U””

Works with PEX/AL/PEX and PERT/AL/PERT multilayer pipes

Meets requirements of EN 1254-8:2013-04 standard

PZH certified for potable water